Queen of the Black Coast 1

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  1. QUEEN OF THE BLACK COAST: 1 - A black ink and black color pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size coquille board. It appears as Plate 1 in my folio, "QUEEN OF THE BLACK COAST," based on the story by Robert E. Howard, published by Bortner & Kruse in 1976. The drawing was reprinted on the cover of the fanzine, "REH: Two-Gun Raconteur, No.5".

    Whenever a drawing I was working on involved a violent scene I had to decide how far to go with the "gory" details. Today, violence on film, on television, and in comic books sometimes reaches a level of grossness I find hard to stomache. When this drawing was in the first pencil sketch stage I had Conan's sword swinging down just above the native warriors head, I did not go so far as to show the head being lopped off, I thought that would be too gross. But when the sketch was about done I looked at it and changed my mind, against my better judgment I decided that the scene was truly a bloody one and I needed to show that. So I did, and "whop" went the head! Sorry about that!

    Art has this in common with the way we go through life doing things; In Art, as in Life, it is knowing "where to draw the line".
    - G.K. Chesterton -

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